1girl 2boys :o barry_(pokemon) beanie black_hair blonde_hair blue_background blue_eyes border commentary_request eyelashes green_scarf grey_shirt hair_ornament hairclip hand_on_another's_shoulder hands_on_another's_head hat highres hikari_(pokemon) long_hair looking_at_viewer lucas_(pokemon) multiple_boys open_mouth orange_eyes orange_shirt outside_border pokemon pokemon_dppt red_hat red_scarf sawarabi_(sawarabi725) scarf shirt short_hair short_sleeves sidelocks sleeveless sleeveless_shirt striped_clothes striped_shirt twitter_username white_border white_hat

1 comment (0 hidden)

Anonymous >> #42804
Posted on 2024-07-12 21:17:38 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
There reaction when they saw the Pokmon presents in February and it revealed Pokmon Z-A!