6+boys 6+girls adventurer_(ff14) alisaie_leveilleur alphinaud_leveilleur chinese_commentary chocobo closed_eyes colored_skin commentary_request dragoon_(final_fantasy) elpis_flower emet-selch english_text estinien_varlineau everyone final_fantasy final_fantasy_xiv flower g'raha_tia giant giantess haurchefant_greystone highres hydaelyn hythlodaeus hyur krile_mayer_baldesion_(ff14) leaf loporrit louisoix_leveilleur lyse_hext medium_hair minfilia_warde moenbryda_wilfsunnwyn multiple_boys multiple_girls multiple_persona outstretched_arm paladin_(final_fantasy) papalymo_totolymo samurai_(final_fantasy) shooting_star short_hair simple_bird source_quote tataru_taru thancred_waters urianger_augurelt venat_(ff14) vvvviiiiiia warrior_of_light_(ff14) waves weibo_logo weibo_watermark white_flower white_hair white_skin y'shtola_rhul yotsuyu_goe_brutus ysayle_dangoulain

1 comment (0 hidden)

Anonymous >> #43138
Posted on 2024-07-23 03:02:55 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
The text here says"Hear Fell (Feel) Think Follow your lightMy love will be with you foreverMy dearest children"Feel is spelled slightly wrong here, the parentheses shows what it's supposed to say there.