01/22/25 07:26AM
I wanted to say thank you to everyone maintaining this place. It is a sanctuary for a lot of people, more than you would figure. Any time I want to look for anime art, I go here, where the beauty and innocence of the catalog lets me feel at genuine peace instead of on guard. Some posts can still be lewder than I'd like, but it's at least possible to just use a few negative tags in the search, and none of it is as bad as what's on other sites anyways.

My only wish is that it were brought up to date a little. A discord, a redesign in general (forum pagination does not work as another said), a twitter page ran by someone who knows how to have fun with it, etc. This place does not have to smell old. The niche is still there, growing even. There are loads of zoomer weebs who are averse to hentai and ecchi, for Christian & secular reasons. Right now on social media platforms that barely existed when this site was made, there are communities with autism civil wars raging over anime girl modesty standards. The site team could get all the volunteers and funding they could ever want if they asked in the right places. Don't be shy!

Anyways, thanks again. :3
01/31/25 11:36PM
I agree this site is amazing :)
02/02/25 11:00PM
What’s so great about this website? Huh?
02/08/25 12:45AM
Wateriswet said:
What’s so great about this website? Huh?
I thought you said this site was amazing why are you now just saying that it's not great?!

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