02/19/14 10:07AM
List your favorite Sailor Scouts (moon's) in order
Mine are as follows:
Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Chibi and Moon
02/20/14 07:43AM
My favorites have fluctuated a lot throughout my life, to be honest. It's hard to pinpoint exactly where a given character falls, really.

As a kid, it was Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Chibimoon (unless you add the Outer Senshi, then it was more like Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, Moon, Chibimoon).

If we're talking current favorites, accounting for everyone, it's probably Star Fighter, Star Healer, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Star Maker, Moon, Chibimoon.

With just the Inner Senshi, it'd be Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Chibimoon.

Really, I like just about everyone, but Moon and Chibimoon (especially Chibimoon) can grate on my nerves sometimes.

Now I want to watch the whole series again.
02/20/14 10:37AM
[quote]ChaosSoda said:
Really, I like just about everyone, but Moon and Chibimoon (especially Chibimoon) can grate on my nerves sometimes.

That's funny, it's Moon that got on my nreves the most. Thank you for your wonderful reply.
10/08/15 07:24AM
No one gives a Ducks Rump about Sailor Pluto.

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