08/17/10 08:41PM
Artist removal: holylunar
Hello is an amateur illustrator holylunar.

My illustrations have been uploaded to other sites that are not Hope.

Delete all images holylunar tag is requested.
Id: 432721
Posted: 2010-06-06 18:52:17
by danbooru
Size: 1280x768
Rating: Safe
Score: 0 (vote up/down)
08/17/10 10:09PM
I'll remove if for you now but next time please fill in a valid DMCA notice and send it to [email protected]

Its a shame, the pic was so pretty :<
08/17/10 10:52PM
What is a DMCA notice?
What is a DMCA notice?

I would like to know more how to.
08/18/10 08:32AM
here is a sample:

Why do you want it to be removed anyway? If it has your name on it would it not be free advertising for your artist skills?

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