07/26/13 07:55AM
Can I save favorites into groups?
Is it possible to have different categories of favorites? Or some way to save groups of things. (If not I suppose I'll just use bookmarks)
07/27/13 07:28PM
mika-l said:
Is it possible to have different categories of favorites? Or some way to save groups of things. (If not I suppose I'll just use bookmarks)

I think I know what you mean. I have seen websites that offer an accounts gallery the option of creating sections much like the program Windows Gallery even though the posts are uploaded to a 'main' gallery.

You are correct. You would have to create browser bookmarks.

Safebooru does not currently have the 'add to pool' option on posts.

The difference is that this site is like a giant, single account-gallery; the user doesn't post to their own account, the post goes into the main 'account-gallery.'

Perhaps , in the future, and if the number of people actively using Safebooru increases, then a 'pool'ing system can be put in place... I certainly hope so.
07/28/13 09:56PM
update and a discovery
Posts don't have an 'add to pool' option individually, so I wasn't that interested in the pool system, but I've discovered that making a pool only takes a few minutes and some resourcefulness.
Just this morning, I was able to make a small pool here:

It took me just under a half hour to find and add some fairly tedious posts to the pool. I had one tab open to look through my favorites and other posts of interest, and a second tab open to the pool I was importing stuff to. Beware though that you have to be very specific when searching for posts because everything that is tagged with your keywords, every result from the search will be added to your pool if you just click 'add' without discretion.

For further instructions, look here:

Even though this doesn't completely satisfy your question, it is a start. Sorry. The pools you make can be made to be private or for the public to add and edit. Good luck!
07/29/13 10:55AM
Thanks a lot GazapoDeMuerte, I tried creating a pool and that works well! Hopefully people don't mind me creating my own pools, should they be set as private or personal? I use id: search to list the specific post before importing it. It seems like there should be an easier way to add a single post to a pool, maybe a menu in Tags/Statistics/Options/History. I might try to add that with a greasemonkey script (although those are hard to make).
07/29/13 05:15PM
Private collections are certainly acceptable. They are still veiwable by the public, but not free to edit by the public. I know that it will help cut down on the number of favorites I have since I can find or make tag pools to put stuff in for easy reference later(so technical that a tag search would be tedious).
For future reference, though, private collections may be given priority to those showing an expert knowledge about the tag(s), reason being duplicate galleries are a nuisance: we don't want repetitive instances of the tag 'desu' or something now do we?

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