01/13/12 04:21AM
captchas when uploading a picture
Hello i just want to ask you why did you activate that thing?
you can't upload a picture whithout introducing the captcha and that is boring.
i wonder when are you going to disable that sh*t, because it has been bothering me for a lot of time.
01/16/12 10:11AM
It only shows to people who are on graylists/were part of a botnet/spammed/or has a bad ISP/etc etc

It will not be disabled, it protects safebooru from various stuff.
01/18/12 07:07AM
slayerduck said:
It only shows to people who are on graylists/were part of a botnet/spammed/or has a bad ISP/etc etc

Speaking of that, I kept getting the captcha on the last images I uploaded. Do you know why?
01/18/12 07:52PM
It could be your isp, you having a dynamic IP and now got an ip of somebody who abused stuff. Its all protection stuff.

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