10/24/12 09:18PM
Search is overloaded! Try again later...
Okay, I have been browsing here for many times and currently I have that message up there in the title. Like what is going on? Please tell me.
10/25/12 07:05AM
Yeah, It's been happening to me as well, hopefully it should be fixed to.
10/25/12 08:26AM
And may it be fixed the sooner.
10/25/12 10:37AM
Woops! Sorry about that. Yesterday we moved our current server to a different rack in the datacenter. I forgot that our search engine is not on auto-boot.

We are currently migrating our sites to a new server.
10/25/12 05:39PM
slayerduck said:
Woops! Sorry about that. Yesterday we moved our current server to a different rack in the datacenter. I forgot that our search engine is not on auto-boot.

We are currently migrating our sites to a new server.

Now that made sense as to why on Earth am I not able to do so. Thanks for the info Mr. Mod.

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