02/16/12 06:26AM
Exactly what is says on the tin...

If its not to much to ask, can everyone lend a helping hand in destroying this evil tag?

(a continuation of another Tagme thread)
02/17/12 01:29AM
I don't mind helping out when possible. I sometimes search for tagme images and tag them, but I don't always know the characters, etc., since my areas of interest are kind of...limited.

Still, I can help tag things like hair and eye color, clothing, accessories, etc. That's usually what I do, when I feel like tagging tagmes.

Hopefully more people join, that tag's one hell of a monster to put down.
02/17/12 04:50AM
I know what you mean, and hey, I appreciate you taking out of your time to help the mods out. :)
02/17/12 05:57AM
I don't mind, I don't have a whole hell of a lot to do anyway.

It's something to do in my spare time/when I have no ideas left to draw. Plus, I usually like helping. I can only hope more people decide to join, though, considering the massiveness of that tag. If it's successfully banished, that'd be pretty impressive. Dunno how many of the average users here check the forums, though.
02/17/12 04:13PM
i'll help by syncing all images with the current tags on danbooru :)
Only tags will be added, not removed. Just a note.

It will not remove the tagme so that still needs to be removed manually if more then 5 tags are on a image.
02/17/12 08:20PM
When I'm able to, I usually tag images as well. Yet again, not been on lately. Like Chaos, if I don't know the character, I tend to just tag the physical things on the picture.
02/18/12 07:34PM
haven't had much time to tag recently, but it's an ongoing battle. ^^
02/19/12 01:42AM
Dang90 said:
Exactly what is says on the tin...

If its not to much to ask, can everyone lend a helping hand in destroying this evil tag?

(a continuation of another Tagme thread)

Heh, I'll help out since I heard of this on another thread. Count me in!
03/21/12 01:53PM
As far as I'm concerned, I try as well to tag untagged pictures when I've time to, by specifying hair or eyes colors, etc. quiet like xxlolitacomplexx and ChaosSoda and when I don't know the character (oftenly, I must admit), I put a "character_request" tag on the picture.

Maybe it's better than just let the picture without any character name or "original" tag. I sometimes wonder someone will check the chara-request tag and the picture i'm working on will be character-tagged because of me (actually, I often stop tagging after having imagined that, cauz it pretty sounds like I'm turning weird, but whatever).
03/22/12 09:58PM
count me in. atleast 5 tags for each picture right?
03/23/12 04:23AM
letstag said:
count me in. atleast 5 tags for each picture right?

03/23/12 04:57AM
Right, so let's work together to get this tag under 100000!!
03/23/12 09:52PM
there should be some reward system for tagging, that would get more people to cooperate.
03/25/12 12:14PM
Dang90 said:
Exactly what is says on the tin...

If its not to much to ask, can everyone lend a helping hand in destroying this evil tag?

(a continuation of another Tagme thread)

As per request and a powerful proverb about it applies, sure! Count me in your team.

Also, OT: Are you from TvTropes by chance?
03/29/12 01:58PM
Dang90 said:
Wing_Kaiser_X said:
Dang90 said:
Exactly what is says on the tin...

If its not to much to ask, can everyone lend a helping hand in destroying this evil tag?

(a continuation of another Tagme thread)

As per request and a powerful proverb about it applies, sure! Count me in your team.

Also, OT: Are you from TvTropes by chance?

Actually, yeah, I spend many days of the week on Tvtropes. I use it in combination with this site, and I would certainly recommend it to people here.[/quote]

No wonder why do I see something familiar. Heads up! Greetings my fellow troper!
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